Friday, May 29, 2009

SignWriting: Sign Languages are Written Languages

My name is Valerie Sutton. Welcome to my new blog. I am the inventor of SignWriting, but I am new to blogging ;-)

SignWriting is a script. The International SignWriting Alphabet (ISWA 2008) is used to write any sign language in the world.


Some of my friends already have blogs about SignWriting. For example, Adam Frost writes his blog directly in the handshapes, movement symbols and facial expressions of American Sign Language (ASL). Take a look:

Adam Frost's blog written in American Sign Language

When you visit Adam's blog, you can see immediately that ASL is becoming a written language. Books and blogs and web sites using SignWriting are being written and created everyday now, and this is a brand new idea for many sign language users. So there will be much to blog about!

Thank you for reading my first blog! I look forward to writing more, and I hope you will respond...

Val ;-)

Valerie Sutton